Introducing CATBONK (CABO), the soft and purrrrrry memetoken on Binance Smart Chain (BSC) with deflationary properties. Our team of feline enthusiasts equipped with the finest baseball bats are ready to take on the meme coin kingdom with an iron paw. Say goodbye to presales, huge taxes, and complicated LPs - CATBONK is a coin for the people, by the people.
With a renounced contract and burnt LP that's been burnt to a crisp, our pure memetic power and trusty bats are here to show the world what real meme coin dominance looks like. With our pure memetic power and trusty bats, we're ready to show the world what real meme coin dominance looks like. So come join the bonk! Embrace the bonk!
Let CATBONK show you the way to crypto greatness!
To get started with buying CATBONK. you'll need to download a wallet such as Trust Wallet or Metamask from the App store or Google Play store, For desktop users. simply head to and download the Google Chrome extension. It's free and easy to use.
To buy CATBONK, you'll need to have some BNB in your wallet. If you don't have any BNB, you can purchase it directly on MetaMask, transfer it from another wallet, or buy it on another exchange and send it to your wallet. Once you have some BNB you will need to Swap to Smart Chain
Then Open PancakeSwap in Trust Wallet. Make sure the selected Network is BNB Smart Chain. Add Catbonk $CABO to your list of token, Click “Import”.
Put the amount of BNB you would like to swap for $CABO. Set Slippage in PancakeSwap Settings to 11% and click “SWAP”
TOTAL SUPPLY 1,000,000,000,000,000 CABO SEE ON BSCSCAN
BURNED 661,547,433,360,038 66% SEE ON BSCSCAN
OWNERSHIP RENOUNCED To prevent manipulation of tax fees, ownership of the contract was renounced. SEE ON BSCSCAN
LIQUIDITY LOCKED By sending all LP tokens to the zero & burn address, liquidity was locked forever. SEE ON BSCSCAN